Message Outline
Salted with Fire
March 9, 2025 • By Mark Bustrum
You Need a New Heart
Mark 7:8 “You leave the commandment of God and hold to the tradition of men.” (ESV)
The Pharisees were worried that Gentile culture would _________ or damage their purity.
The __________ of the elders (oral law) were prescriptions to ensure _______________ instead of trusting that God would help them understand His instructions.
The Pharisees confront Jesus, but Jesus plays a _____________ uno card on them.
Hypocrite: someone who acts out a __________ without sincerity; a pretender
Jesus says they place a _____________ load on people. In contrast, Jesus says in Matthew 11:30 “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”
Korban: Hebrew word meaning ______________________.
The issue is that they were subverting the ____________ Commandment with their practice of Korban, trying to get around God’s law and using it for their advantage.
You need a new _____________.
Walking with new ___________ in Christ Jesus.
Ad fontes: go to the _____________!
Next Steps
1. Don’t substitute God’s Word for your ___________________ and opinions, teaching them as if they are gospel law.
2. Seek inner _____________________ that produces gospel faithfulness, not just behavior practices.
3. Evaluate what you are _______________________.
My next step today is to…
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