Children's Classes

Our goal is to help children, even at a young age, grow in a friendship with Jesus. We want them to know that the Bible is real and relevant.
Toddlers (18 mos - 2 yrs) & Preschool (3 - 5 yrs)
Upon arrival to our toddler & preschool areas your child will be directed to fun and age-appropriate activities, which include play-dough, puzzles, building blocks, and play-hut climbing tubes. In a casual setting, your child will participate in a large group story time and follow-up activities designed to help drive home the point of a Bible story.
Elementary (K - 5th Grade)
Our kindergarten through 5th grade children are divided into gender specific classes. Recent brain-based research has proven what moms and dads already know… boys and girls learn differently! Our curriculum embraces these differences and presents solid Biblical teaching where children are engaged and active during class. Lessons are presented in a large group setting and then children move into small groups for discussion and application.
The best way to describe our gender classes is that they are designed to be a B.L.A.S.T.!
Boy-Girl Specific
- Learning methods and environments are suited for the way each learns best.
- Activities and topics reflect gender interests.
Scriptures and Scriptural principles are easy to remember due to:
- Frequent review.
- Visual reminders and mementos.
- Memorable activities.
- Truth tied with life skills they will use for years to come.
- Each session presents specific situations in which the Scripture can be applied.
- Topics reflect current and future challenges kids face.
Simultaneous Fun and Learning
- Fun is an integral part of, not just “tacked on” to, the learning.
- Games and activities reinforce the point, aid in Scripture memory, or help with review.
True and Real
Scriptures present in the sessions are:
- Personally encountered as kids look them up in the Bible.
- Historically verified as time-lines show where they fit in history.
- Affirmed by real people as leaders share how the scriptural principles work in real life.
The BLAST acrostic is copyrighted by Deborah S. Bullock and Hope Church 2007