Connect & Grow

At Church in the Valley we believe that “life to life” relationships are an integral part of God’s plan for making progress in life. Because of that, a lot of the spiritual growth, ministry, and direction in our church happens in small group meetings in homes. The Bible tells us that we find blessing in doing what God wants, so the focus of each group is application.
Groups bring people together throughout the week for encouraging community and spiritual growth, and are offered at several times, days, and locations for your convenience.
Topic Groups
These 10-week groups of 8-12 people are focused on a topic and/or book that helps participants understand how to live God’s way according to the Bible in a specific area of life. Group members will need to purchase a copy of the book if necessary, and commit to doing homework and attending each meeting.
Community Groups
These long-term groups commit to meet together and encourage one another to love God, love each other (by practicing Church in the Valley’s “Heart Attitudes”), and team together to introduce their friends and family to Jesus Christ. Spiritual growth takes place in a circle of friendships where we are encouraging each other in life as we work together to do what God wants.
These groups are more than just meetings and aim to create an enjoyable sense of community that helps each member grow. To that end, Community Groups will meet together for about around 9 months. Members will have the first 4-6 weeks to explore the group before deciding to commit.